Apha Body Language

Vigorous, muscular bodies tend to speak for themselves; they will invariably improve your appearance and stature.  Not only will a well-rounded physique shape your body into a more attractive specimen, but the confidence that it will bring will manifest itself into better body language.  Nevertheless, there are some body language tips that even the most confident people don’t exhibit.  If taken seriously, these tips can have the effect of immediately enhancing your appearance, no matter what stage in physical development you are in. Here are the do-not do’s:

  • Don’t cross your arms.  Even though it may be comfortable to do so, it conveys the an image that you want to protect yourself.  Its kind of like cuddling up, except to a smaller degree. Remember, your the king in the room, so open up to leave yourself vulnerable.  You have no worries around you, your in control.
  • Similar to the one above, don’t grab your arm with the opposite hand, whether it is behind your back or in front of your body.  You will look sluggish and unconfident.
  • Don’t walk too fast, but still maintain the image that you are a man on a mission.  Fast walkers are unattractive because they have to jerk their body to get speed.
  • Don’t lean in when conversing with someone.  Leaning in tells people that you are giving your devote attention to them and thus lowers your value and raises theirs.  You are pretty much treating them like the Commander-in-chief, always attentive and intrigued by their higher value words.  By all means, you want to pay attention to your interlocutor,  but don’t lean in to do so.
  • An obvious shouldn’t that probably doesn’t need mentioning but is nevertheless important are don’t slouch.  As this post demonstrates, white collar American’s particularly have this problem because of their sedentary lifestyle.  You can keep your body from naturally slouching by strengthening your upper and lower back.
  • Don’t cross your legs. Its not good for your hips anyway. You are not an old man.  And keep those legs wide apart.  Again, scrunching your legs – or any part of your body – makes you look protective and insecure.  You want to look vulnerable and composed, because that conveys that you are confident and in control.  

Whenever you are evaluating whether a motion is good or bad body language, never be afraid to examine yourself in the mirror performing that stance. Or alternatively, you could ask a friend.

Here are some positive body language techniques:

  • Everybody will tell you to keep your head up, but sometimes hearing this thousands of times will numb the importance of it. But it really is important.  Additionally, when you greet someone, you should substitute a level-up sup nod for the traditional level-down nod that really should be only used in submission, usually for your elders.  To see what I mean, just tilt your chin up instead of down to make a nonverbal greeting to someone.
  • When walking, rotate you shoulder inward as you step with the opposite foot.  Okay, this is just cocky walk, but its cool.  Just don’t overdo it.
  • This tip is for standing, and is probably the best body-language tip one can give.  Stand contraposto.  Contraposto is a stance sculptors used on their statures ever since ancient Greece, although it was prominent during the Renascence era.  Michelangelo’s King David is the foremost example.  To do the contraposto stance you place all of your weight on one foot while angling the other  60 degrees.  (For a graphical illustration of this, see King David.) 

Implementing good body language brings a twofold benefit: beautifying your image and elevating your psychological state.  And let it be known, the latter can be just as important as the former.  Twirk your body in a certain way, and you will be a force not to be trifled with.

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1 Response to Apha Body Language

  1. Jennifer says:

    Anyone who makes up their mind to do it, can do it!

    Choose Happiness & Success!

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